Tetrapol / Markets and trends


A strong base on which to build

TETRAPOL's installed base already serves more than 1.8 million users and this generates a huge recurrent market in upgrades, terminals and maintenance. But the future of TETRAPOL is about much more than renewal.

TETRAPOL delivers mission-critical voice and data in an environment where failure is not an option. TETRAPOL is increasingly being used with novel applications to put professionals in touch with the information they need, whether through messaging, access to remote databases or automatic positioning services.

Meeting the growing demand for data

As the demand for data grows, the TETRAPOL industry is working with users to press regulators to make spectrum available for high-speed data. Spectrum availability varies significantly between countries and user segments, so the industry is preparing multiple routes to the future.

At the same time, industry is assessing different data evolution paths to meet the expectations of the TETRAPOL user community far beyond the next decade.